Insurance solutions for
information technology professionals.
personalized to computer engineers, data analysts, and IT workers
CHECK MY PRICE >Secure a future for you and your business
Plenty of organizations rely on the technology systems you build, update, and maintain for survival. You likely rely on them for your livelihood, too. When unexpected events occur, such as a data breach or an injury, insurance has you covered.
a safeguard for your business in case personal information is hacked or released
get a portion of your income if you are unable to work due to a covered injury or illness
see solution >LIFE INSURANCE
know that your family will receive financial help even if you’re not there
see solution >Cyberattacks & data breaches are real threats.
There are a lot of moving parts within software, which means that bugs, crashes, and other internet-related threats are more commonplace than anyone likes to admit. Help protect yourself and your business from lawsuits that can happen when technical problems escalate.
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